Saturday, July 12, 2008

Baby shower sucess!

So I threw my friend, Selena, a baby shower the other day and I guess the hard work paid off. People actually came which was my main worry. I guess Saturdays are just too buys to throw parties... at least in the summer when there are vacations going on. Although next time I will choose games that are not as interactive, because the women didn't seem to like being blind folded. (They were mostly in they're thirties). But the chocolate fountain that I searched high and low for was a big hit. And get this... one of my friends that was there was like "oh I have one you could have used!" and I was like should have told me before I went and bought one! But oh well my husband and I think that it will be fun to have people over to use it. And they also liked the Diaper raffle and adored my bee hive cake. Selena seemed to enjoy it so that is what really matters.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Super Cute Cake Shawnel. I am continually amazed by your talents. Love the cupcakes too