Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fears and Phobias

I have a fear of spiders. They are gross and hairy and eew! What brings this up you might ask? Well there have been a few encounters lately. 3 main encounters. The spiders here are not daddy long legs either. They are big and black and hairy and they jump! Yes I said Jump! One might mistake some for a Black widow. (minus the red hourglass of course) They have those here, Luckily I have never seen one. Since those 3 main ones I have seen 3 baby spiders in my kitchen.
My fear is probably like most other spider fears in that you don't like to touch them and don't like them crawling on you or how when you find one you feel like they are all over you! But my fear is getting close to paranoia. After I find one I am convinced that there will be another close by. If one were to jump on me or if I were to find one on me. After the long shrieks and hyperventilating, it would take a long time and a lot of convincing for me to get off the table. Sometimes I think that I would never be able to sit on anything or touch anything in my house. Looking for a picture to post this with almost made me lose it!
So I understand how people can have a fear of something so much that they won't go in a car or out in the back yard. Hopefully it never comes to that.
Since there have been so many encounters lately my husband wonders why he never new that my fear was so great before. Its always been there. There just has never been so many encounters so close together. Needless to say the bug man will be called first thing in the morning!

1 comment:

Samurai Mom said...

I know exactly what you mean. There is a corner in my bathroom where I found a creepy grey spider 6 years ago, and every single time I go to the bathroom I look in that corner and shudder.