Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No Tears Here!

Well I made it through the first day of Kindergarten and first day of riding the bus and I had no tears! I thought that I would cry but I think that because I cried over Pre-K last year there was no need for it this year. Plus its only half day so it kinda feels like its just Pre-K again. Needless to say Little D had no problem going and was so excited to ride the Bus. First thing he said when he got off was "That was Awesome!". He made friends immediately and even had one girl from church there that he knew.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1st Day Jitters!

As the first day of school approaches I find myself very nervous, sad, and excited. Little D will be going to Kindergarten in 5 days! I am excited for him because he is so ready and he is excited to ride the bus! But I am nervous because I have all these questions. Since he is my first to go to school I'm not sure what to do. How does this bus thing work? How does the bus driver know Little D will be with him? What supplies does he need? Does he need a snack? Will they be sending me a Your First Born Is Going To School Survivor Kit (for dummies)? The list goes on and on.... I am sad because not only is it his first day of school and he is growing up too fast but also he LOST HIS TOOTH!

Ol' Faithful

So on our way home from Montana we left a day early so that we could go down to Yellowstone Nat. Park. I can't believe that I lived in Montana for 18 yrs and never went to see it before! It was pretty cool. I only wish that we would have had more time and a sling! Carrying Little C everywhere was a pain!
Above is a picture of a spring/geyser that has built up all this colors rock around it from the minerals and bacteria building up.

This is a picture of Emerald Springs. We hiked to a lot of these springs filled with boiling spring water. Most of the walkways didn't have railings and they waved right though most of the springs. I was a little scared that one of the kids would trip and fall in. But luckily that didn't happen.


This is a geyser that we walked to that was constantly going off pretty cool but I don't remember the name.


This is a Mud/Paint pot. Basically boiling colored mud. When I saw this on the map it said Artist's paint pots and I thought that they would be super colorful and that there would be more so it would be worth the walk, but it wasn't. It might have been, if I would have had a sling!


And then there was Old Faithful! Went off right on time. Pretty cool. Now I can say that I've seen it.

Going Rate for Teeth?

My little boy is growing up so fast! One day when we were in Montana, Mom and I were upstairs painting and Little D was downstairs eating toast. All of the sudden we hear a scream and crying from Little D. Figuring that he just bit his tongue we were not too worried. Aunt S was down there to comfort him. Then we heard her say "Let me see...tooth is loose". I was thinking ... no way he is barely 5! Then Aunt S confirmed and I was like No Way! so I ran downstairs and sure enough there he was with a bloody mouth and one loose tooth. I quickly re-explained the Tooth Fairy. After what happened with his cousin Commander C, I didn't want him to be frightened. The next day we went to a BBQ and he was eating watermelon and came up to me with his tooth in his hand! He had no tears just surprise. Big J was making fun of me saying that I was gonna cry. But its hard to come to terms with. So we told him to wait until we were back home to put it under his pillow. So Sunday I went around inquiring about the price for teeth these days, not only teeth but first teeth. I figured that the quarter that I got wasn't going to be sufficient in today's world. Well he finally got to put it under his pillow and the Tooth Fairy came! Above is a picture of what the Tooth Fairy brought. Although it seems like a lot we learned that you can't buy anything for 5 dollars these days either!

Crazy? I think so!

So while I was in Montana I told my friend that I would Paint her a picture. (Don't know what I was thinking! I hope she likes it!) So on the first day of painting it was going great and I was really excited about it. Then we started the poppies.... Some came easily but some were problem poppies! At one minute I think that it was going to work out and then next time we would paint I would say "I can't give her this!" I would go back and forth each time we worked on it. By "we" I mean my mom and I. I would have given up the second day if she hadn't been there telling me that it would turn out and that it could be fixed. That's what years of practice will get you I guess. Above is the (insert French accent here) piece de resistance! Fingers crossed that it's what she wanted!

We're Back!

We made it to and from Montana safely! It was a lot of fun to see everyone again. It was probably one of the best Montana trips we've had. Above is the view that Big J and Uncle J had after they climbed the Mount Pollock. Big J said that he barely made it, and thought that he was going to die up there! Uncle J is crazy and had little trouble scaling the vertical shale rocks that made up the top of the mountain. I told Big J that he would have to work out more so that next time he could keep up. It was so much fun to be back in Montana! All of you that are able to live there are very blessed to live in such a beautiful place!