Sunday, July 13, 2008


Here is a weird question.... They say that your ears keep growing your whole life. If this is true then does the same thing apply to your toes? Also, does each toe grow at the same pace or do they grow at different rates? Take for instance someone with one toe longer than the other, surely they were not born with one toe longer.... or maybe they were?

So the other day while my sister was in Hawaii she called and said that her room at their hotel was unacceptable and that she wanted me to find them a new place. So being the nice sister that I am, I looked on the Internet and found some bed and breakfasts. We came across one and it had a few pictures, one of which was of the owners. My sister of course was like "Ooh! Are they a cute little Hawaiian couple?" And I said sadly, "No they just look like Americans." At which she laughed. It took me a sec to realize why she was laughing. And as I was thinking about it I thought, hmm, Hawaii, although it is part of the US, feels like a totally different country. Maybe because its so far away. Or maybe because they have their own language. Whatever the reason it feels foreign to me.

Where is a Pen and Paper?

Last night I was lying awake, as I often do, cause my brain wouldn't shut off and I kept thinking of things that I needed to do or get. Then I started thinking of my Dad and how he has a pen and note cards tied to a string beside his bed so that when he thinks of something at night he can write it down. I think that he is wise for this because as I said that is often the case with me and I never have anything to write it down on. And almost never get out of bed to go find one. So unfortunately a lot of ideas and things I need to do are forgotten.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fairy Princess Tea Party

So Little A was invited to a birthday today. It was the cutest little party I've seen. All the girls (3yr olds) dressed up like princesses. Little A went as Cinderella. First they danced while everyone arrived. Then they played the Princess and the Pea, where they had to find a pea (in this case a small ball) under their pillow. This was followed by a game of musical tea pot, where they passed the tea pot around and whoever was holding it when the music stopped received a necklace. Then it was on to the fingernail painting! This was where little A started to participate. She practically ran to the fingernail polish! (Amazing considering that through all the previous stuff she was glued to me)After nails they received rings, wands, and tiaras. After that little A was having a blast they sat at the little table and had tea (juice) and all sorts of little foods like fruit cups and chocolate and sprinkle covered giant pretzels and mini muffins! SO CUTE! Later they had cake and opened presents. Once the party was over they gave out little gift baskets which included a little mini princess tea set. Little A has not stopped playing with it. After that I wanted a tea party of my own!

Where have all the parties gone?

So I have to tell about the cutest party that I went to but first about parties. Why is it that no one has parties anymore? I'm not talking about birthday parties. I'm talking about just plain old fun get together parties like dinner parties and big Christmas parties and Halloween parties and parties like that. I know that there are probably some people out there that throw them (at least Christmas ones) but you hardly ever see them anymore. I want to go to dinner parties. There need to be more get togethers and parties! This is one reason I wish I lived in the 50's!

Chocolate fiasco!

So after my Shower Success! Big J decided that we should have some friends over to eat from our chocolate fountain. so we were reheating the chocolate. I was stirring the chocolate and Little A was on the table dipping her finger in the chocolate and Big J was apparently turning the fountain on cause the next thing I know the tiers are lifting and BAM! Chocolate all over all of us and my dining room chair cushions! After standing there in chocolate covered shock. We decided that the wiggly one needed cleaning first so Big J took Little A to the bath tub. I followed and gave her a bath and then took a shower as well. All the while Big J was trying to clean the carpet and the chairs. Alas our carpet was saved(Wish it wasn't. I've been wanting wood floors forever... I mean, who puts carpet in a dining room anyway!). But not out dining room chairs. (I didn't much like the fabric anyway) An now that is one of my projects recovering the chairs.

Baby shower sucess!

So I threw my friend, Selena, a baby shower the other day and I guess the hard work paid off. People actually came which was my main worry. I guess Saturdays are just too buys to throw parties... at least in the summer when there are vacations going on. Although next time I will choose games that are not as interactive, because the women didn't seem to like being blind folded. (They were mostly in they're thirties). But the chocolate fountain that I searched high and low for was a big hit. And get this... one of my friends that was there was like "oh I have one you could have used!" and I was like should have told me before I went and bought one! But oh well my husband and I think that it will be fun to have people over to use it. And they also liked the Diaper raffle and adored my bee hive cake. Selena seemed to enjoy it so that is what really matters.